Humatrope 72 IU

Humatrope 72 IU

Original price was: $420.00.Current price is: $320.00.

Humatrope 72 iu growth hormone and combine it with testosterone to see impressive results in bodybuilding and muscle gain, enhanced muscle growth, structural recovery, fat burning

Humatrope 72 IU

Original price was: $420.00.Current price is: $320.00.

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Product Description

Humatrope 72

Humatrope 72 IU which is also know as Somatropin is Used with curative intent in children and adults who have had or have growth hormone deficiency in childhood or due to other reasons. In sports growth hormone is used because of its ability to stimulate muscle growth, to burn fat and to give strength and energy.

Pros: Improves overall condition of the user. The pronounced rejuvenating effect strengthens bones and accelerates recovery after injuries.

Manufacturer: Lilly Pharm

Description of Humatrope 72 IU

The synthetic growth hormone of Lilly Pharm is named Humatrope. Its active ingredient is somatropin, prepared in the way of “Recombinant DNA technology”. Humatrope is a growth hormone of 72 IU (units) / 5mg and is widely applied in sports and specifically in bodybuilding. It is a protein hormone produced in the laboratory, but it has the same properties and structure, such as growth hormone produced in the human body.

Humatrope (Somatropin) is in an amount of 72 units /24mg human growth hormone. It is important to know that released by injection synthetic growth hormone itself has no direct effect. It stimulates the liver to produce and release its own insulin-like growth factor.

Dosage in growth hormone is determined individually as well as in medical practice and in active sports. The universal daily dose is 0.025 – 0.035mg / kg of body weight or 0.7 – 1.0 / square meter of body surface area. Applied subcutaneously in the morning immediately after waking up or before bedtime. Many builders also use it immediately before the workout.

Combination with other products: The growth hormone is combined well with Testosterone Propionate and T3 (triiodothyronine) and testosterone is administered of 100 mg 2-3 times a week for men and 2 times 50 mg for women. T3 is taken as one tablet of 25mcg before bedtime. In bodybuilding growth hormone combines well with Winstrol, Primobolan. Used alone, HGH is much less effective than in combination with anabolic steroids.

Side effects: Synthetic growth hormone is among the few drugs used in sports that when properly applied does not lead to the occurrence of side effects. Humatrope 72 IU of Lilly Pharm is a completely harmless polypeptide protein that can be used by both men and women athletes.

Humatrope 72 IU

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